Saturday, June 13, 2009

How To Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes not only creates sugar problem but also gives birth to many other complications. So, prevention of the same is always better than cure. Now the question arises, how to prevent diabetes? Diabetes, as we know is caused due to excess deposition of sugar in the blood. Among the people who are likely to fall into prey to this ailment, there are people who are obese and lethargic. Both these characteristics can be removed by following a good exercising regimen. The person should develop physical activeness. This can be done by indulging into numerous outdoor activities like walking, running, and active sports.

It might be difficult for many to go regular with physical activities initially but if they are well determined, it won’t be a pain. This not only prevents diabetes but many other complications arising from it like heart problems and bad vision. Another answer to the question, how to prevent diabetes is changing the meal plan. The health of a person largely depends upon the type of diet he takes. There should be a proper diet plan comprising nothing but nourishing food. Nourishment does not mean heavy food. The food should rather be fiber-rich and light. Fat free food is always preferable over oily stuff. Minimum intake of carbohydrate and sugar won’t allow your efforts to remain fit, go waste. Diabetes if not prevented completely, can atleast be delayed to great extent.

A precautionary diet should also contain less meat. The meat should be white always as red meat can really have bad effects. Fish can be taken quite often, it is lightest of all non-vegetarian items. To lower down intake of carbohydrates, potatoes should be avoided to the max. Sweet potatoes can replace potatoes. Other sugar-enhancing food is rice. Prefer having brown rice instead white ones. Remember, a balanced diet can balance your complete body system. Together diet and physical activities can no longer leave you pondering about, how to prevent diabetes.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yoghurt For Treating Acne

Truly it is said, nature cures best. No wonder, how advanced get modern techniques, yet natural remedies for the treatment of acne would win over them, as they don’t have side-effects. Today, you just need to ask for one medicine for your skin problem, you would be flooded with numerous of them. Every other day, we come to know about various skin formulae launched in the market, under various brands. They claim about having magical properties that can ‘change one’s life’. But are they actually genuine? This question keeps haunting our mind, until we use it. In search of the right product we keep experimenting and by that time, we get frustrated with no result. We never know, that our search can end up in our own kitchen. There are numerous things provided by Mother Nature that actually contain amazing properties. Many people consider and rely on yoghurt for treating acne.

Yoghurt is made out of milk through bacterial fermentation and is commonly made in the kitchen for dietary purposes. The bacteria in the milk, when converts lactose into lactic acid, it becomes yoghurt. Because of lactic acid, the yoghurt has acidic qualities and because of yoghurt’s acidic nature, it has tendency to kill other harmful bacteria present in the skin. Thus, consumption and application of yoghurt can help you get rid of harmful bacteria that can really harm your skin. Therefore, yoghurt for treating acne, is considered to be a natural antibiotic.

Lactose present in the milk often upsets digestive systems of many. The disturbed digestive system arouses sebaceous glands to produce more sebum and all this results in outbreak of acne. Such people find milk to be harmful. They might respond well to yoghurt which contains lactic acid, the acidic nature of which doesn’t let harmful bacteria invade the body. So, those suffering from acne, should have in their kitchens, enough yoghurt for treating acne as well as for food.