Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Skin Problems Among Women

Since ancient times, the woman has been considered as an epitome of love and beauty. The expectation about female beauty has always been very high and is getting even higher with the passing times. In the urge to reach and stay to this level of expectation, the woman does everything possible to look stunningly beautiful. But as we know, nothing is and can be perfect. This results in the stress and disappointment entering the woman’s life. To be able to cope up with this stress, the woman should change her mentality as well as understand what exactly is hampering her beauty. Skin problems among women have been very common beauty-related problems.

Some common but serious skin problems among women are pimples, varicose veins and cellulite. Pimples occur on the woman’s face as red oodles that even become painful, oozing points. These pimples take long time to cure and later on leave pathetic, ugly marks on the face. Pimples may be due to hormonal changes and skin types. If they are due to hormonal changes, it is better to ignore them and wait till they get dried out on their own. If still you feel, you should do something about it, you can use a good anti-pimple cream that would help in pimple-drying process. If you find, they are getting severe, visit your dermatologist.

Another problem that may seem to bother women is varicose veins. The ugly lines on the feet may be one of the skin problems among women. They may be so painful and disturbing that they need to be cured. Boosting blood circulation into the feet can help prevent these long marks. They can be treated by application of good creams and wearing of socks or stockings. Brushing of the feet may help clean off the dead cells and generation of new cells. Cellulite is another of skin problems among women that needs brushing, massaging and cream application in the areas to give flawless-look to the skin.

Old Wives Tales About Pregnancy

Old wives tales about pregnancy, are told to most of the women, right from the very moment they declare about their pregnancy. A lot many things are told to the expectant mother, about which she had never even wondered before. The woman is flooded with legendary stories and fundas about a variety of topics ranging from sex of the unborn baby to its looks and nature. These stories sound very interesting to hear and behind some of them, there lie some logic. These logics give birth to certain dos and dont’s associated with pregnancy.

Along with logics, these old wives tales about pregnancy also lead to generation of many pregnancy-related myths and superstitions. The woman can follow these myths until they are not affecting their health and should not believe in them blindly. According to many old grannies, the sex of the baby depends upon the position of the parents during its conception. Though, the fact is that until now, no other method of determining the baby’s sex has been discovered or invented. Among other related myths are, the position of the tummy determining sex of the baby, the size of the baby is judged according to size of the mother’s tummy, and foods one should have inorder to have desired sex of the baby. You must have heard many oldies saying that consumption of cola products, red meat, salty foods gives you a boy and to have a girl you should have loads of sugar fantasies like chocolates and ample veggies.

Some of the old wives tales about pregnancy are meant to set precautionary measures for the mother, which is beneficial for her and her baby only. So, there is no harm in believing in such tales even if they are myths. Many stories say that you will have same symptoms as experienced by your mother. For example, if your mother suffered morning sickness and had stretch marks, you too will have the same. Also your cravings for particular foods would determine sex of he baby. It is upto you, how you take these stories but never let them rule your mind.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Stop Smoking Laser Treatment

Smoking is the harmful act that takes no pain and time in becoming a habit but once it is a habit, it takes too much of pain and time to get resolved. Various programs have been introduced and been practiced to help people give up this habit. Stop smoking laser treatment plans for you some necessary changes in your lifestyle, following which you can get along without smoking very well. Those who had enough of smoking and can’t go long way with this habit anymore, should consider trying this mode of treatment as it works really effectively and faster.

Before going for the stop smoking laser treatment, you will have to consider certain factors like your affordability for bearing cost of the treatment and having idea about number of sitting you may be required to follow to get the mission done. The number of sittings depends upon the degree of your smoking addiction towards this habit. The cost of laser treatment is, no doubt much more than any other but you need to be sure about it. Also, it is important for you to know that along with laser therapy you will also be given psychotherapy that would generate a positive attitude in you. Without positive attitude and thinking you can’t move even a step ahead, in this mission.

Stop smoking laser treatment has brought a great hope among those who desperately want to give up this habit but can’t because of lack of courage and positivism. The treatment has got both negative as well as positive feedbacks, though positive ones are much more in number when compared. The therapy works in a way that the endorphins are released in the body. These endorphins minimize the nicotine cravings for a particular time span. During this time the person has to be real courageous to patiently handle all the discomfort due to withdrawal. If he succeeds, he can surely get rid of this habit. The treatment is found to be really working and has helped many.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Corticosteroids on Asthma

Corticosteroids are a type of steroids that are used in treating asthma. These corticosteroids are known as glucocorticosteroids. As you come to know that you will be having steroids, you may get very apprehensive about its tremendous side effects, you must have heard about. But at times, they are necessarily to be recommended by the doctor inorder to control the inflammation and swelling that may raise alarm. Corticosteroid medication may involve inhalation as well as oral intake of medicines. They come as the only available option when your asthma doesn’t respond well to bronchodilators and other such medications. Corticosteroids on asthma can be very effective and helpful in relieving from its bad symptoms.

The inhalation of corticosteroids works especially in mild to moderate degrees of asthma. When nothing seems to work, that means that the condition of asthma is quite critical and here the corticosteroids are prescribed to be taken orally. Doctors tend not to over-prescribe them as this may lead to many side effects. These drugs if taken in high doses or for longer periods may cause long-lasting health problems. So, these drugs should to be taken the way that the balance between treatment and side effects is maintained. The effect of corticosteroids on asthma thus can be beneficial but only if they are given in a limit.

Some of the common corticosteroids that are prescribed by doctors while treating asthma are cortisone, prednisone, fluticasone, mometasone, methylprednisolone, prednisolone and budesonide. Depending upon the condition of asthma, the corticosteroid dosages are prescribed. These dosages may be decided in accordance with inhalation courses, short and long term oral courses and oral treatment on alternate day basis. Long term steroid medications may result in addiction of the patient to that particular drug. The usage of corticosteroids on asthma can help a great deal, but with some precautionary measures.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Latex Allergies

Latex is a milk-like fluid that is obtained from the rubber tree. It is used in the manufacture a big range of useful items. It consists of sugars, nucleic acid, lipids, and proteins due to which it can be very allergic. Latex allergy happens commonly to children as well as adults. The exposure to latex can lead to many skin problems and syndromes. These syndromes are namely, irritant dermatitis, contact dermatitis and immediate hypersensitivity. Irritant dermatitis occurs as a skin disruption and rashes. The cause may be the rubbing of latex-made gloves. It might not be due to allergy and is often confused with a case of hypersensitivity.

The symptoms of contact dermatitis show in a day or two after the exposure to latex. They may lead to further infections. Immediate hypersensitivity due to the reaction of latex proteins can lead to serious issues. Latex allergy is caused as a result of exposure of skin, bloodstream or mucous membrane to latex. Inhalation of latex-containing particles also causes exposure. The symptoms may be range from urticaria, rhinitis, hypotension, skin edema, dyspnea, cramps in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, bronchial problems to serious anaphylaxis. They generally, occur minutes after exposure and can extremely be fatal if not given timely aid.

Latex allergy is seen to be prevalent among people suffering from spina bifida. The allergy may also be due to genetic reasons. People who had undergone too many surgeries or those who had been facing too many medical exposures may also get sensitive to latex and begin to show allergic symptoms. Those suffering from cerebral palsy and are mentally retarded, are very likely to develop this kind of allergy. Apart from these, people who are already allergic to fruits like avocado, kiwi, banana, peach and papaya are more prone to latex allergy. Some common latex-made items that are major sources of latex allergy are medical instruments like gloves, stethoscopes, catheters and other items like goggles, balloons, erasers, soles of the shoes, pacifiers, nipples of baby-feeders and many more.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Anti Aging HGH

A lot depends upon the hormones when it is the matter of growth, aging and functioning of organs. The growth hormone (HGH) which is produced in the body by the pituitary gland helps in anti aging. It is responsible for physical growth among children so it is called as growth hormone. Because of anti aging qualities in it, it is also known as anti aging HGH. It is normal for anyone to have lower HGH levels due to growing old. But for those who don’t want to give up so early, HGH can be the solution. It can be taken in an injection or through oral formula but not without medical prescription.

The side effects of HGH supplementation can be many like, they can trigger diabetes, joint pain, high blood pressure, and heart attack. It is wiser not to experiment the same and consult an able doctor. He would access your body’s actual need for anti aging HGH supplement. Those who have damaged anterior pituitary might not find the supplement to be effective. Also, people whose pituitary gland in not working normally might not get the benefit from the supplement. Even if you have no complications, you should talk to your doctor about this.

The anti aging HGH works internally as well as externally. You can see the change in you. They give tone to the skin, repair damaged cells and muscles. Amino acids stimulate muscle repair. The enhancement of immune system by the supplement gives a boost to the health. The memory improves gradually. These added benefits of HGH supplements come as a major attraction among users. HGH hormone is readily available in many brands. They promise to give you the best and make big claims. So, it is very likely for a person to get confused regarding which one to buy. At this point one should consult the doctor and go through the reviews and then choose the product. A well-researched, clinically proven medicine can be the safest option.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Vitamins Prevent Heart Diseases

The benefits of vitamins are well known among most. They form the most crucial ingredient for a normal growth and development. Every vitamin has its own quality and importance. The lack of vitamins may cause a number of disorders among people of all age-groups. Vitamins prevent heart diseases of many kinds. It is though important to understand that even vitamins would fail in the prevention process if other factors like diet, lifestyle and other habits are not taken care of. So, one should always remain particular about the intake of adequate amounts of vitamins through diet or other food supplements.

The fact that vitamins prevent heart diseases, is known quite for some time. But one should also know the vitamin type that does so. Vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene serve the purpose of preventing heart diseases as they don’t let cholesterol block arteries. Also they have tendency to cut down the fat deposited in the body. It is believed that vitamin D also maintains heart health though it is not a proven fact. Yet, there is no harm in maintaining vitamin D levels in the body as it has many other proven benefits. If you are getting enough vitamins through the food, there is no need to look for other resources. The major natural sources of vitamins are fruits and vegetables and hence they should be made a vital part of the routine diet. Vegetables like spinach, carrots and fruits like orange are considered to be beneficial because of the presence of vitamin C in them.

Vitamins prevent heart diseases and so they are highly recommended for all, except those who are already having drugs for anticoagulation or blood thinning, as the chances of heavy bleeding become even more for them. So before planning a diet, you should also mention the health problems and related medications you are going through, to your dietician.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

How To Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes not only creates sugar problem but also gives birth to many other complications. So, prevention of the same is always better than cure. Now the question arises, how to prevent diabetes? Diabetes, as we know is caused due to excess deposition of sugar in the blood. Among the people who are likely to fall into prey to this ailment, there are people who are obese and lethargic. Both these characteristics can be removed by following a good exercising regimen. The person should develop physical activeness. This can be done by indulging into numerous outdoor activities like walking, running, and active sports.

It might be difficult for many to go regular with physical activities initially but if they are well determined, it won’t be a pain. This not only prevents diabetes but many other complications arising from it like heart problems and bad vision. Another answer to the question, how to prevent diabetes is changing the meal plan. The health of a person largely depends upon the type of diet he takes. There should be a proper diet plan comprising nothing but nourishing food. Nourishment does not mean heavy food. The food should rather be fiber-rich and light. Fat free food is always preferable over oily stuff. Minimum intake of carbohydrate and sugar won’t allow your efforts to remain fit, go waste. Diabetes if not prevented completely, can atleast be delayed to great extent.

A precautionary diet should also contain less meat. The meat should be white always as red meat can really have bad effects. Fish can be taken quite often, it is lightest of all non-vegetarian items. To lower down intake of carbohydrates, potatoes should be avoided to the max. Sweet potatoes can replace potatoes. Other sugar-enhancing food is rice. Prefer having brown rice instead white ones. Remember, a balanced diet can balance your complete body system. Together diet and physical activities can no longer leave you pondering about, how to prevent diabetes.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yoghurt For Treating Acne

Truly it is said, nature cures best. No wonder, how advanced get modern techniques, yet natural remedies for the treatment of acne would win over them, as they don’t have side-effects. Today, you just need to ask for one medicine for your skin problem, you would be flooded with numerous of them. Every other day, we come to know about various skin formulae launched in the market, under various brands. They claim about having magical properties that can ‘change one’s life’. But are they actually genuine? This question keeps haunting our mind, until we use it. In search of the right product we keep experimenting and by that time, we get frustrated with no result. We never know, that our search can end up in our own kitchen. There are numerous things provided by Mother Nature that actually contain amazing properties. Many people consider and rely on yoghurt for treating acne.

Yoghurt is made out of milk through bacterial fermentation and is commonly made in the kitchen for dietary purposes. The bacteria in the milk, when converts lactose into lactic acid, it becomes yoghurt. Because of lactic acid, the yoghurt has acidic qualities and because of yoghurt’s acidic nature, it has tendency to kill other harmful bacteria present in the skin. Thus, consumption and application of yoghurt can help you get rid of harmful bacteria that can really harm your skin. Therefore, yoghurt for treating acne, is considered to be a natural antibiotic.

Lactose present in the milk often upsets digestive systems of many. The disturbed digestive system arouses sebaceous glands to produce more sebum and all this results in outbreak of acne. Such people find milk to be harmful. They might respond well to yoghurt which contains lactic acid, the acidic nature of which doesn’t let harmful bacteria invade the body. So, those suffering from acne, should have in their kitchens, enough yoghurt for treating acne as well as for food.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Medisana Back Pain Relief System

For anyone who’s been suffering from severe back pain, any treatment that suits his needs and gives him relief comes as a rescue treatment. Past ages, several methods have been invented to cure this ailment which has been commonest of all. Some of them have been really beneficial for mankind. Medisana back pain relief system is one relief system that saves you from the pain of being hurt. The system comprises of a set of instruments in a compact box. These instruments include a support belt, stimulator pads, snap cables and a 9-volt battery. All these things are kept in an easy-to-carry case. To understand this system and know the usage of these instruments, you can follow instructions from the manual available inside the case itself.

By using Medisana back pain relief system you can distress your stressed muscles of lower back. The best part about this treatment is that unlike other relief systems or medications, it does not have any side effects. By placing the electrodes present in this kit, you can get your nerves stimulated by electrical impulses sent through the skin. This results in blockage of signals transmitting pain through the brain. The system also makes the body release pain-relieving endorphins that enable the body fight against pain.

With these unique features, the Medisana back pain relief system comes as a complete back pain relief program. It is reported to be performing quite well in the market, although not many people are aware of it. Among its few users, it considered to be the cheap and best mode of getting immense relief from pain and that too without side-effects. It can be ordered online. The price of the system is also affordable. So, one just needs to make simple efforts to buy this kit and bring on the same old smile back.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Phenargan During Pregnancy

It is always good to consult doctor regarding intake of any medicine, if you are pregnant. Self medication should be avoided at any cost. You never know what drug can effect you and your baby and in what way. Many symptoms lead to the need of many drugs that seem to be quite relieving. Phenargan is also the kind of drug that women feel the need of, while suffering from morning sickness. For some women, morning sickness is so intense that it becomes really difficult for them to cope-up with it. Phenargan comes to as a rescue drug for them. But, now the question arises, whether it is safe using Phenargan during pregnancy?

Phenargan during pregnancy is well prescribed by the doctor. It was approved by FDA long time ago in 1951. Phenargan contains a chemical known as promethazine. It acts as a sedative by calming down the nerves. It is also used in anaesthesia for surgeries. Apart from being relaxed as its major effect on pregnant women, Phenargan also might have some side effects. Some of them include, heart palpitation, stiffness of muscles, mood swings, constipation, fever and difficulty while urination. Phenargan, if taken in combination with certain drugs can have more harmful effects. It’s effects might vary person to person. Some women might not feel any of the side-effects. Yet, caution should be taken while going for it. If the side effects felt are unbearable, discontinue intake immediately. Proper dosage from the doctor, should be confirmed so as to avoid any complication. It’s intake should be discontinued as soon as the morning sickness is over.

Phenargan can be taken orally as well as injected through. It works better when taken along with food or milk. So, it’s side effects on stomach get minimized. One should stick to the dosage recommended by the physician. Excess of intake of Phenargan during pregnancy, can really lend you to trouble.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Anti aging

Aging is a phenomenon concerned with certain hormones in the body that start reducing with the increase in age of a person and as a result various signs of aging start showing on a person. There are many signs and symptoms that develop with growing age. Skin loses its sheen and elasticity, hair starts graying, problems of vision, hearing crop up and there is a general decrease in energy levels and the person starts to tire quickly. There can also be behavioral changes, lower memory levels and change in sleeping habits. Aging is inevitable just as any thing born has to die one day. By using all natural anti aging skin care treatment a youthful appearance can be maintained and a glowing skin free of wrinkles and lines can be a reality.

Anti aging and leitlinien or guidelines (in German) gives a list as to how to prevent, reverse or slow the process of aging and help people live a longer, youthful and happy life. It includes nutrition, skin care, and levels of physical fitness, vitamins, hormone treatments, herbal and other forms of medical treatment. Anti aging medicine focuses on the persons urge to look young and good, feel good and live a happy life. It is also based on adopting a healthy lifestyle to avoid falling sick, regular exercises and a strict diet. All natural anti aging skin care is about use of easy natural remedies to look youthful and have a glowing wrinkle free skin.

It is advised to avoid caffeinated drinks and have plenty of water which helps in adding more elasticity and glow to the skin. It is also stressed to drink a lot of fruit juice which contain anti oxidants which is nature’s anti aging product. There is another side to the argument. Experts around the world debate on the impact this craze on people and the effects of anti aging and public health.

Monday, April 6, 2009


We have come across situations where some individuals suddenly start showing abnormal reactions like heavy sneezing, coughing, itching, watery eyes, nose and start getting rashes on the skin etc., whereas there are others in the group who are quite normal. These some individuals are showing symptoms of allergies wherein a body reacts differently to a seemingly ordinary situation. The substances which cause these allergies are called allergens and the body reacts when these allergens make contact through any of our sense organs. The most common of allergens are pollen dust, mites, animal fur, molds, certain plants and foods, bacteria, insect bites and seasonal factors like extreme heat and cold weather.

Not much is known as to why an allergy is caused and why only certain people get to suffer this condition. It could be running in the family and is inherited, but in majority of cases it is caused by sudden reactions. There is no age bar and there are cases where small babies who are normally breastfed develop baby food allergies. Allergies as such are not life threatening but do cause a lot of discomfort and affect our routine lives As part of treatment, doctors first conduct a skin test to find out what is the cause of the problem. Once it becomes known as to which substances the body is reacting to, the medicine is given accordingly.

The main methods of treatment of allergies are avoiding the allergens, medicines and lastly anti immune injections. The most common are the home remedies for allergies wherein we avoid the situations causing allergies at home. These include frequent washing and dusting of furniture, carpets, beddings to rid them of dust and mites. The face is to be covered with mask to prevent breathing in the dust. Use air conditioners and air filters to purify the air we breathe and also avoid keeping pets who can pollute the home.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Flying With Pain In The Joints

Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints in the body and/or its constituent tissues. It results in pain, soreness, and stiffness in that area. In medical jargon, arthritis refers to a compilation of hundreds of rheumatic diseases and circumstances that can cause pain, tautness and soreness in the joints. If it is not treated at the proper time, it can result in extreme damage to the joint.

Arthritis can be recognized by the various symptoms it brings with it. These symptoms can vary in different people depending on their age, area affected and the specific kind of arthritis the person is suffering from. The symptoms are as follows:

§ Inflammation in one or more joints.
§ Soreness.
§ Steady or frequent pain in a joint.
§ Softness around a joint.
§ Facing difficulty in moving a joint.
§ Sporadic fever.
§ Loss of weight.
§ Tiredness.
§ Difficulty in breathing properly.
§ Allergies.

Younger people are comparatively at a low risk of suffering from arthritis as compared to their middle aged counterparts, especially women. Thus, you must take care of your diet and lifestyle if you want to lead a pain-free life.

Tips To Fly Without Hassle
Who does not like to go on a vacation? But if you are suffering from arthritis, you may not feel too keen on flying. The fear of relapsing pain is more than the joy of going on a holiday. But don’t worry. There are ways by which you can fly more comfortably.

• You must plan from a very early stage. Last minute rush can make you feel fatigued. Make a checklist of all the essential things that need to be taken care of before D day. Planning really saves a lot of hassles.
• Before venturing out into new territory, find out the locations of various doctors and hospitals at the destination of your vacation. Also carry your insurance information wherever you go.
• If you have an executor, you must ensure that they know who your attorney is. You must plan beforehand in case of a tragedy.
• Pack wisely. Do not overload your luggage. Remember that the Federal Government limits the amount of luggage you can fly with. Ensure your medicines and other devices used to relieve you from pain, are not left behind while you think of what to take along with you.
• Ensure that all your medicines are in containers labeled properly. Carry them in your hand baggage. Never ever make the mistake of checking them in.
• If you feel that you would require a wheel chair, you must call up the airport officials and ensure that they arrange for it beforehand. Carry a stick if you plan to walk a lot. Too much walking without the aid of a cane can affect your hips and joints. Also you must give proper attention to your footwear. Do not try to save money by buying cheap shoes. You might have to pay dearly later on.

• If you are carrying medicines, which require special storing facilities, you must make sue you have a note from your doctor saying so. If you have any kinds of metallic joint replacements, you must declare it before hand. This will save you a lot of trouble at the security check.
• Carry your luggage in wheeled carriers instead of shoulder bags that strain your muscles. You can also wear a travel vest, having lots of pockets. This will help you to carry the various things that you would otherwise need to carry a bag for.
• Carry a neck pillow for support while flying. The airline authorities also supply you with pillows to support your back. Opt for an aisle seat so that you can walk and stretch whenever you want to without having to disturb other passengers.
• Try to get some sleep. Resting is beneficial for your body any time.
• Drink lots of water to fight any kind of fatigue.
• If you need to use the overhead bin to store your belongings, or otherwise, do not shy away from asking for help.
• Make sure that you have planned for a cooling off period after the vacation. You cannot jump back to work as soon as you get back.